Title Reveal: Seaside Pointe, book 1


We're super excited to finally reveal the title for Seaside Pointe, book 1.

This interconnected four-book contemporary romance series filled with #sweetsexydrama has been a passion project of ours since 2017. We can't wait to share them with you.

🌸Promo & ARC info here: http://bit.ly/SeasidePointeSignUps
🌸Preorder book 1 on Amazon: http://bit.ly/SP1_AMZ
🌸Cover reveal: May 7
🌸Release date: June 10
🌸Add to TBR: http://bit.ly/SP1_TBR

temp kindle covers Seaside Pointe.jpg

#TuesdayTeaser: Seaside Pointe 1

#TUESDAYTeaser NEW Mindy Michele series!


Those words have meaning individually and combined. So does our new series.

Individually, you’ll find four different and unique romances.
Combined, the stories and their plots are connected—just like ours.

— Get ready to visit SEASIDE POINTE —

- Sign-ups AND TITLE reveal coming 4/30.
- Goodreads TBR: HERE


New books are on their way...


I’m the worst, aren’t I?

To make up for it, I will give you a clue about my next release.

Four romances, each following a different couple, set in the same town.

Keep an eye out for a brand new Mindy Michele series coming later this year! We’ll have more information pretty soon. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram, so you never miss a thing.

If you’re wondering what solo title I’ll be releasing next, don’t worry. I should have something on my newest work in progress by the end of this month. I’ve been focused on this new Mindy Michele stuff because Mindy is moving across the country this month. Our goal was to get a new series ready for y’all so she can move and chill, and I can work on my own. Stay tuned!

Update: We broke up the Paper Planes series!

Hey, y’all! A quick update from Mindy Michele on the Pratt family. After a lot of discussion and consideration, we’ve broken up the series. Meaning, we will promote the three books as individual stories on all sites. The stories haven’t changed. They’ve always been standalone continuous stories.

Many romance readers don’t read Young adult stories, and we don’t want those people to ignore Sam and Cole’s friends to more story or Amber and Olle’s Finland fling. Those books are too good to bypass, in our humble opinion. We’re hoping this change will help us promote each story to the proper readers.

The best part of this decision is we have gorgeous new covers! Paper Planes has gone back to the original, fun YA cartoon cover that won it the best cover award. Subway Stops and Chasing Cars have all-new looks.

Subway Stops - Chasing Cars

Available on Kindle Unlimited

Here are the full wraps for the paperbacks. They should be live any moment now.