Last Call - 20 Days of TEASE #9

Here's the deal...Plain and simple  
21 days till release = 20 Days of TEASE for you!

Last Call
A New Adult Romantic Comedy/Suspense
Release Date: 10/21/13

Some fun tidbits about 'Last Call'

1) One of the BFFs is named Sara. After my lovely writing partner Sarah Ashley Jones

2) There is a restaurant named Watson's - in honor of my other fabulous pal Tess Watson

3) The bar 'The Garage' is the name of a cool bar in Mobile, Alabama that was quiet the after work hangout. Totally different type of bar than the one in the book but I liked the name and am paying homage to some old friends ;)

4) Dad's secretary is named Marla. Marla is an awesome fan of 'Never Let You Fall' who I got to meet and hang out with at Indie Book Fest this summer. 

5) This scene was inspired by my editor, Stacy Sanford's love of bacon ;)

I laughed and returned to the pantry and my fruitless search for something amazing to eat. There was nothing, unless I wanted Pop-tarts or Lucky Charms. While I was a fan of both, I was craving real food. Like bacon.