Last Call - 20 Days of TEASE #9
Here's the deal...Plain and simple
21 days till release = 20 Days of TEASE for you!
Last Call
A New Adult Romantic Comedy/Suspense
Release Date: 10/21/13
Some fun tidbits about 'Last Call'
Some fun tidbits about 'Last Call'
1) One of the BFFs is named Sara. After my lovely writing partner Sarah Ashley Jones
2) There is a restaurant named Watson's - in honor of my other fabulous pal Tess Watson
3) The bar 'The Garage' is the name of a cool bar in Mobile, Alabama that was quiet the after work hangout. Totally different type of bar than the one in the book but I liked the name and am paying homage to some old friends ;)
4) Dad's secretary is named Marla. Marla is an awesome fan of 'Never Let You Fall' who I got to meet and hang out with at Indie Book Fest this summer.
5) This scene was inspired by my editor, Stacy Sanford's love of bacon ;)
I laughed and returned to the pantry and my fruitless search for something amazing to eat. There was nothing, unless I wanted Pop-tarts or Lucky Charms. While I was a fan of both, I was craving real food. Like bacon.