Tuesday Tease - Sneak Peek at some Fairies (NLYG)

I TOTALLY forgot today is Tuesday! That's what happens when Monday is a holiday.

Today I have a little pretty to show you. I am sooooo close to finishing Never Let You Go
and thought I would introduce you to these lovely ladies...

The "three" as they are sometimes called live in the Glade of Elendriel - the fairy world inside of the Kingdom of Tyalbrook.

Here's a secret! You actually 'met' Vonnedenia in Never Let You Fall very, very, briefly. She is the childlike voice that speaks to Skye in the Chapter aptly named 'White'.

I can't wait for y'all to get to read this book! Are you excited? Keep checking my Facebook or Twitter accounts for #NLYG teases/ quotes almost daily now.

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