Out of Ruins Cover Reveal and Series Info...

I've been MIA! So sorry. From The Wreckage released on the 12th and then I was getting ready for UtopYA and edits for FTW#2 and I've been trying to do audio book edits for Never Let You Fall.....

All the while I feel like I'm flailing and look like this!

So in the midst of all this crazy I do have bookish news!
Out of Ruins has a cover!

Book Two of the From The Wreckage series will release July 17th and is currently available for pre-order NOW at only 99¢
iTunes - http://bit.ly/OORiTunesmgmiller
Smashwords - http://bit.ly/OOR-MGMiller
B&N - Wtg on links

Goodreads link - http://bit.ly/OOR-GRlink


“Guilt. A painful, lonely feeling. It seeps into your pores slowly as you go through life day by day. Like a disease, it blackens your heart with thoughts and memories of what you did, or in my case, what you didn’t do.”

Surviving the storm was only the beginning for Jules. Surviving the guilt? That is something only love can help her overcome.

Aren't they pretty together?


Now let me explain them a little. I put thought into my covers and what you see on them. In this series, I use the cover pics as symbolism to the story.

Many people wondered about the middle picture on From The Wreckage's cover. When you read the story, it makes sense. I had people come back and tell me they got it. NO, the chair is not supposed to be some random chair thrown into a field during the hurricane. It has a purpose and so does that little purple backpack you see.

In Out of Ruins, the pictures have a purpose too. The hands = you're my anchor! You should know that if you've seen my teasers. The bottom picture is a huge part of this book and something Jules is dealing with. Read the blurb and you'll get some of it. Read the book, and you will see the visual.

As for the third and final book in the series that cover will be done soon too! WOOT! I will reveal it on release day (July 17th) along with a blurb and tease.

The name is All That Remains and it is due out August 28th

Now one last word..while this is a series of three books that follow the same characters each one has an ending to it. I wrap them up, in a way, that leaves you closure, but hopefully wanting more of the story. The good thing is if you don't like to wait for your books to release you don't have to! Jules' entire story will be completed by August 28, 2014! 
Did you notice I said Jules entire story? That's because the series itself will have at least one if not more standalone spin-offs next year. I have other books to finish first, but I do plan to revisit some of these characters again...let me know of any you want to spend more time with!!

As always thanks for supporting me and Keep reading <3