#TuesdayTease Out of Ruins (From The Wreckage #2)

Happy Tuesday! If you follow me on Facebook then you know my laptop fan has blown up
and I am being forced to use my old laptop until the part comes in this week. This has been the worst kind of set back for me :( I wasn't able to grab my updated files before I turned the thing off for good so I'm limited with what I've been able to work on. Major pain when your on a tight deadline!!
Please join me in thinking happy thoughts for my little baby, or else I might crawl under my covers for weeks!

For today, because I'm a bit short handed I will share another small teaser pic with you...

You can pre-order Out Of Ruins for only 99¢ at
It will be 99¢ for 48 hours only after release on ALL sites and will then go to 
its regular price of $2.99 

Add to your TRB here
Goodreads link - http://bit.ly/OOR-GRlink

If you haven't grabbed From The Wreckage, here are all the links:
Amazon (E-book & Paperback)
Amazon UK,AU
Barnes & Noble (E-book & Paperback)