#TuesdayTease #ChasingCars

#ChasingCars is so close to being perfect, y'all! We're working our way through edits, cleaning it up, adding extra details and things, all in an effort to make you fall in love extra hard. Here's this weeks #Tease. If you read #PaperPlanes you know how much of a mess Amber was/is. If you read #SubwayStop you know she didn't change much. So you can assume that she is still a mess when she gets to Chasing Cars. Poor Olle ;)

Add it to your TBR on GR: https://www.goodreads.com/…/34351636-chasing-cars-and-the-l…
There is still have to sign for the cover reveal & release blitz: http://bit.ly/ChasingCarsSignUp

Also, don't forget newsletter subscribers get first dibs on the cover reveal: http://bit.ly/MGMNews

If you haven't read Paper Planes or Subway Stops, don't forget you can read them for FREE if you're a #KindleUnlimited subscriber OR buy them for just $3.99 each. 

Amazon US: http://bit.ly/PaperPlanes_AmazonUS
Amazon UK: http://bit.ly/PaperPlanes_AmazonUK

Amazon US: http://bit.ly/SubwayStops_AmazonUS
Amazon UK: http://bit.ly/SubwayStops_AmazonUK