What's on my shelf? February reads
/I'm under some crippling writing deadlines but that didn't stop me from picking up a book each night before going to sleep. I might only read half a chapter, but at least I read!
This month saw me finishing the Remember When trilogy I began in January.
I re-read Secondborn to prep for reading my ARC of Traitor Born (so so good!).
I admit to ditching Tempt halfway through because it was an erotic read and I was looking for a different type of story. This is a taboo romance and super dirty, so if you're into that you should check it out for FREE.
I read The Smallest Part and have to say Harmon has such a way with mixing biblical meaning into her stories. She has a very lyrical writing tone.
And last night I finished off the month with The Impossible Vastness of Us, a lovely first foray into YA by Samantha Young that I'd been holding onto for quite some time.
I had a HUGE book haul on the 27th with a ton of titles I've been dying to read so March will find me sharing some of those with you, hopefully! Still on major deadlines, but here's to reading a few pages every day! Happy reading!!
5.5 Books
1 YA ~ 2 NA/Adult ~ .5 Erotica ~ 2 NA SciFi/Dystopian
1 New to me author, Remy Blake
All available now, except Traitor Born which releases 4/17