Awesome Peeps

Group of fabulous authors and bloggers who support each other daily with tweets, Facebook chats, BETA reading, plot advice, recipe swaps and sharing pics of drool worthy guys ;) etc...

These ladies are like the bread to my butter ;) We are 5 very different ladies with different writing styles and voices and yet we click like something crazy. I love this group of women and together we are a force to be reckoned with - aka FierceFive!

The IndieTroublemakers consists of 

Me, Sarah and 
Blogger and Author-to-be Tess Watson of My Pathway to Books
We are the "original troublemakers" started as a little joke because so many Indie authors are members of groups. We decided if we were a group we would be the troublemakers...and there you have it :)

Blogger Megan of Paperbook Princess was added because she is my ultra 
awesome BETA, P.A. answerer of all IMs when I need her.