What's on my shelf? January reads

   For me, being a writer and a reader go hand and hand. I've been both for as long as I can remember. This year I'm going to try and keep you updated on what I'm reading. You can follow me on Goodreads if you want to follow along as I go or check back here monthly for a recap #myshelf
   Out of professional courtesy to my peers, I do NOT review books. You will see me recommend titles I loved, but that does not mean I didn't like the ones I don't talk about. I love championing my friends in this business. 
   Also, I believe each book touches everyone differently. I've put books aside because I didn't like them, only to pick them up much later and find I loved it. There are so many personal things that influence how you perceive a story. I LONG for you to make your own decisions when it comes to getting lost in fiction. 

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ONE young adult (Damage Done) and NINE new adult/adult
ONE paranormal. SEVEN contemporaries. ONE psychological. ONE historical.
SIX new to me authors. ONE I've read before.
ONE hardcover from my shelves (Damage Done) and NINE ebooks. 

A Harmless Little Game
Remember When
Within These Walls