#CoverReveal The Finger Trap by Johnny Worthen

Did y'all know I'm a BIG mystery lover? I am! So it excites me to bring you this cover reveal today...

With wit and humor, this modern mystery is a refreshing spin on the noir detective genre 

Tony Flaner is a malingering, part-time comedian who is full of sarcasm and never finished a thing in his life. He’s had 12 years to prepare for his divorce and didn’t. He had his entire life to choose a career and hasn’t. Now time’s up, and he’s in a world of trouble. But all of that changes when Tony takes a first date to a drunken party and ends with him facing prison for the murder of a girl he hardly knew. To save himself, wise-cracking Tony must discover who the mysterious girl was, what she was involved in, and what the hell she saw in him in the first place.

Isn't that just gorgeous? I love the humor mixed with mystery. The Finger Trap (paperback) is available for pre-order now HERE

You can find Johnny on Facebook HERE