A little book update...


Yep, I've got news! I know I've been MIA on here lately, and for that I'm sorry. The end of August and September are always crazy months, and this year proved no exception. Add two book events, a release date, and a family vacation to the usual back to school/extra curricular activities and I'm lucky to be sane (relatively) at this point! 

So, here's what I want you to know....


I AM working on His Call (Last Call #2)


Why am I writing two books at once? Welllll....you see, occasionally (or often) characters don't want to speak to me when I need them to. So when one book stops talking, I try to work on the other. I do not want to force the final book of the Tyalbrook series so I am taking my sweet time.

I know, I know..I'm sorry!

What I've learned over the past two years: I will try, with all my might, to write a complete series before I publish it. If I can. I loved being able to release the From The Wreckage series out to you in only three months. It was great. BUT, it's also un-realistic to think I can keep writing books like that and be a mom and wife, and do all my book stuff too. Some writers spit books out in days. I am NOT that person, usually.

At this point I don't anticipate either 'Never Wither You' or 'His Call' being released before December. I will try my best, but due to editing schedules alone, it probably won't happen.

I will try to include you all in the process more by posting fun things like Pinterest inspirations, playlists, casting thoughts...and of course teases as often as I can. I WANT you to be a part of this journey with me. I LOVE sharing these stories with you.