The one where she explains her busy schedule...

Happy (almost) Halloween all! Can you believe we are only a few days from November 1st?
Life has been ridiculously busy lately. Let me tell you about it...

Since June I have done one book event a month. Each event is a long weekend (or more) away from home, and my writing. We also took a week long vacation in August. I released three books this summer - One in June, July and August. September sped by as it opened with school and then Penned Con. Penned was a THIRTEEN hour drive to and from and a packed weekend event. Oh, and I was super super sick, too during that event AND the drive. Talk about miserable :( So between school, event and sickness I needed some time off.
We focused on school for a few weeks and September merged into October where we've been busy still with Fall events, more school stuff and yet another book event. I just returned Monday night from Queen City Indie Con and am now DONE with events for the year!

*Happy dances*

That was a small rundown on why I am so tired and behind. Obviously life throws way more than that at me, but you get the gist. I gave you all of that to say I am incredibly behind.
My goal at the beginning of this year was to release Never Without You and Book two from Last Call (His Call). Along the line, the From The Wreckage stories were created, therefore, pushing my other plans to the side. I still had hope over the summer of being able to finish all of the books I'd planned to do - and then life hit. 
Reality is my family comes first.
Between events, promoting books, and family obligations I was creatively spent. I've sat down to write many many times but haven't seen a whole ton of results. 
I am writing, it's just coming slow at the moment.

So, here is my plan...I  am getting my stories back!
I'm getting back on schedule, back on track and back to work. 
I plan on working my tail off in November and December in hopes of having Never Without You out early 2015. I'm so ready to give Tyalbrook the ending it, and you, deserves. I'm also working on covers, promo ideas, website thoughts, sprucing up Never Let You Fall and Last Call. So many things, but writing IS first on my list!

For the Tyalbrook and Last Call fans - Thank you for being patient. As a reader, I know how hard it is to wait for a book to be finished. I understand the frustration. Know that my goal is to always put out better and better products. I will not force a book to be written if it doesn't want to be. I am waiting for the story to be perfect before I hit publish. It may stink now, but in the long run you'll be glad I waited and gave you a great story instead of a mediocre one.
Make sure  you keep you eyes open here, on Facebook and on Twitter as I update you on my process. For now here's a little tease...